Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…
-Paul to the Romans, Romans 12:2

OUTLAW (out-law); noun – 2 (c) one who is unconventional or rebellious
- Merriam-Webster
We’ve always been a little bit outlaw…Meet The Gang of 5:

"Working in the outdoors has an uncanny way of calming the soul and enhancing the character of a person. I don’t know if it’s breathing in the cedar enriched wind, or watching God’s daily sunset painting, or manually digging postholes in the solid rock terrain, or sipping dark coffee as you fish the morning hours away. Actually, it’s probably a combination of all of it…”
--Camilla Westmoreland

“Just imagine the perfect country scene and I can almost guarantee that there will be a Texas Longhorn in it. Longhorns are so loving and unique that it is almost impossible not to adore them.”
--Andelyn Westmoreland
“I love longhorns; they make me so happy! And to be in this business that I love with my family and to conduct it on this beautiful place that God has blessed us with, makes it even better!:) ❤”
--Evie Westmoreland
“Blessed. That’s the closet word to describe how I feel when I see my beautiful daughters and wonderful husband working with our longhorns. It’s an honor to watch them all use their talents to care for such special creatures that God has blessed us with.”
--Anne Westmoreland

"Having a great partner, in any business, is invaluable. In the businesses of Life and Longhorns, I’m blessed to have Anne—a woman of noble character. For years she has kept our own herd of prized females well educated, well fed, and well-raised.
Without her, there would simply be no Gang of 5."
--Brad Westmoreland